Network shuffling

connectome.shuffling.uniform_degree_preserving_shuffling.shuffle_graph(adjacency_matrix, bool target_population_equals_source_population, unsigned long long nr_draws=0, bool triangle_moves=True, bool count=False)

Shuffles a graph, not modifying the original graph but returning a new shuffled graph.

  • adjacency_matrix (ndarray) – Adjacency matrix. Link from i to j is A[i,j].

  • target_population_equals_source_population (bool) –

    Whether the target population equals the source population.

    • For connections from exc. to exc. and from inh. to inh. this should be true.

    • For connections from exc. to inh. and from inh. to exc. this should be false.

    • If this argument is set to True no entries on the diagonal of the adjacency matrix (self-loops) are allowed.

    • If this argument is set to False entries on the diagonal of the adjacency matrix are allowed.

  • nr_draws (unsigned long long) – Number of draws of canonical moves.

  • triangle_moves (bool) –

    • True: include triangle swaps.

    • False: only square swaps.

  • count (bool) –

    • False: do not count occurrences of subgraphs.

    • True: count individual occurrences of subgraphs via hashes

      and store in Python dictionary.


Setting count=True is very slow.


(A, nr_square_moves, nr_triangle_moves) – Contains the reshuffled matrix, nr square moves, nr triangle moves.

Return type



This graph shuffling draws uniformly (unbiased) from all graphs with the given degree distribution.


Let \(p(k|l)\) be the transition matrix of the Markov chain with transitions defined by canonical moves 1 on the neuronal graph. For simplicity focus first on the case of an excitatory population only. On the associated Markov graph states are represented by nodes and edges exist between states with strictly positive transition probability. Let \(n(k)\) denote the number of neighbors of state \(k\). By finiteness of the graph there exists \(\rho > 0\) with \(\max_k \rho n(k) < 1\). The transition matrix can be chosen such that the transition from a given state to each neighboring state occurs with constant probability \(\rho\) for all neighboring states. The probability of staying in a state is therefore \(1 - \rho n(k)\) and the transition matrix

\[\begin{split}p(l|k) = \begin{cases} \rho & k \sim l \\ 0 & \neg k \sim l \\ 1 - \rho n(k) & l = k \end{cases}.\end{split}\]

The so defined Markov chain is ergodic. Aperiodicity holds as long as the Markov graph has at least one self-loop which is given in all practical cases. Irreducibility holds by connectedness of the Markov graph. The Markov graph is connected since the canonical moves allow to transition from any graph with a given degree distribution to any other graph with the same degree distribution. A stationary state exists by symmetry of the transition matrix \(p(k|l) = p(l|k)\). Thus, the uniform distribution \(\pi_k = c\) for \(c = \frac{1}{ \sum^{}_{k} 1}\) is a stationary distribution. By aperiodicity and irreducibility it is also the unique stationary distribution.

The same argument holds within the inhibitory population only and can be similarly applied to the excitatory to inhibitory and the inhibitory to excitatory submatrix.


Roberts, E. S., and A. C. C. Coolen. “Unbiased Degree-Preserving Randomization of Directed Binary Networks.” Physical Review E 85, no. 4 (April 5, 2012): 46103. doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.85.046103.